Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0
Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0
Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0 is a security tool by DarkCoderz Sec . It gives you protection against all type of malwares like Spy-Eye , Zeus , Palevo etc. These kind of malwares steal the stored passwords , memory damage , Slow internet speed etc.. They are the botnets . They have compromised about millions of the Computers . These type of malware or Botnets are difficult to detect so this Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0 is made for that only to detect these types of malwares easily. It acts like an extra layer of protection after the up-to-date antivirus.
This tool protects your PC from surfing the Infected sites and it decreases the risk of malwares and infected PC. This is free tool and easy to use. It runs efficiently in the background and updates automatically. You don’t have to worry about it. It is a ultimate tool to block , remove the virus and detect the most harmful malwares.
Change Log :
[+] Installer [+] New GUI, More pro [+] Start with Windows [+] Protect you against Palevo, TDL3, Rogues, C&C etc.. [+] Protect you against spyeye botnet [+] Confirm on quit [+] Limit exceed bug fixed, now it grabs data locally using SSL [+] Proxy authentification added Download Mirage Anti-Bot 2.0 :- Click here to download
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