Install Wordpess Using Fantastico

Here are the steps:
  1. Just login to your control panel (it must be provided by your hosting company)
  2. Click on Fantastico (the icon with smiling face)
    but there is no guarantee that you have Fantastico in your cPanel because, it is a value-added service.

    controlpanel login 300x264 Install WordPress using Fantastico in cPanel
    Fantastico Icon in cPanel
  3. Click on WordPress on right sidebar then New Installation on right side.

    wordpress installation 300x95 Install WordPress using Fantastico in cPanel
    New Installation of WordPress
  4. Now we have to define the configuration.
    • First is the installation location:
      Install on Domain: From the drop down, your domain should be selected. (If not select it).
      Install in Directory: Leave this blank if you want WordPress to be installed in the root of the domain. But if you want to install a
      blog for your current site you can install it in sub directory and can mention the sub directory name here.
      For example if you put “blog” in the field, the url will be
    • Admin access data:
      Now you will have to enter the administrator name and password.
      This is the username and password that you will use to access the WordPress backend.
    • Base configuration:
      In the base configuration section, enter the following information:
      Admin nickname: the name you want to display for the admin account.
      Admin e-mail: the email address of the admin
      Site name:
      Description: about your siteAfter filling all details just click the Install WordPressButton

      wordpress installation2 300x209 Install WordPress using Fantastico in cPanel
      WordPress Installation Configuration
  5. When you hit Install WordPress button you will be taken to page with installation details and you have to click Finish Installation button to finalize it. When the installation is finished you have the option to email the details of the installation to someone, or return to the overview.

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    Finalize the WordPress Installation
    wordpress installation4 300x154 Install WordPress using Fantastico in cPanel
    WordPress Insallation Details
    Now you can visit the admin page and can see your installation working.
    That’s all you are done with installation of wordpress using Fantastico.


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