Embeepay Trick Get Free Recharge
- Step 1 - Open a facebook profile in which embeepay is joined ( Google Chrome ) Step 2 - Open Firefox and then open a new ID which you have made and in which Embeepay isnt joined :| Step 3 - Add as a friend before joining embeepay from the new profile in which embeepay isnt joined you should add the firefox vala account to the chrome vala account and accept the request yourself. Step 4 - After Accepting the request open embeepay in chrome, After the load open friends tab in embeepay and then you will see a link there which is called the "INVITE LINK" Step 5 - Copy the Invite Link and paste it in firefox in which embeepay isnt joined. Step 6 - Now Follow The Steps and Join embeepay. Step 7 - In the same way join 5 friends to the chrome account. Step 8 - When you are done you now have to click on the check rewards tab on the friends tab in Embeepay and then Claim for the 300 Points rewards or 200 Points Reward. Step 9 - After you completed the claiming Process go to the home page, change your number and click on complete Top Up :| Step 10 - Enjoy the top-up within 10 minutes and chat with your GRILFRIEND :P - P.S. - You rarely get 200 Points Or 300 Points, when the invite bonuses are available on the Main home tab of Embeepay you can check for the invite points.
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