10 Tips for Successful Blogging Carrer

1. Write Unique
Duplicate contents are not
picked up by search
engines . This is called the
“ duplicate content
penalty”. Links inside a
duplicate content article
don ’t hold the same
benefit as a link inside a
unique article.
2. Interlink your
contents using
keywords .
You would have seen
Wikipedia and observed
how Wikipedia is
interlinking its contents
using keywords . Spread
your links throughout
your article using
keywords .This will
connect your articles to
other articles and will
increase your page
views . Interlinking also
helps to improve Google
search ranking .
3. Get links from Blogs
or Websites that are
related to yours
The links on others
blogs /websites that
points to your blog are
called as backlinks .
Backlinks improve your
blog search engine
ranking . More backlinks
means better ranking and
more traffic . But
backlinks from related
blogs are relevant For
instance, a link to your
Football blog from
another sports blog is
going to be more relevant
than a link from an
automotive parts website.
4. Host Your Blog
Directly on Your
If you wish to pursue
your career in blogging
and want to earn $$$ ,
then sub domains like
wont work . A blog on
your domain can attract
links, attention, publicity,
trust and search
rankings . Your own
domain helps to build a
brand, yourblog.com
sounds better than
yourblog.blogspot.com .
So go for your own
domain ,
anything .com .net .org
will work better
than .blogspot.com
or .wordpress.com
5. Invite Guest
Asking a well known
personality in your niche
to contribute a short blog
on their subject of
expertise is a great way to
grow the value and reach
of your blog. You not
only flatter the person by
acknowledging their
celebrity, you nearly
guarantee yourself a link
or at least an association
with a brand that can earn
you readers.
6. Cover Topics that
are in Demand
In every niche, there are
certain topics and
questions that are
frequently asked but
rarely have definitive
answers. Try to blog
about their answers .
Write about trending
topics .
7. Communicate with
your Readers
Your blog readers should
feel that you take care of
them . Respond to their
comments with affection
and do your best to solve
their queries and
problems . Thank them
for their suggestions and
if you implement their
suggestion give them the
proper credit and say
thanks .
8. Encourage
Encourage your readers
to comment on you
blog . You can do it by
asking some questions or
suggestions . Make
commenting user friendly
to them . No need of
annoying capcha
verification when the
comments are
moderated .
9 . Provide Easy
Subscription to your
I have seen some blogger
who write awesome
articles but do not provide
subscription facility to
their readers . Your
visitors don ’t always
remembers your blog
url . Provide feed and
email subscription facility
to your blog readers , so
that they don ’t have to
check your blog for new
contents . Let them
subscribe to your content
and they will be notified
automatically when you
publish anything new .
10 Use Social Media
Social Media can help you
great to build your brand
and get you quality
traffic . Use facebook ,
twitter and other social
platforms . Be cautious
about spamming , do not
spam it can create a
negative impact about
your blog .


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